The Anello delle Valli Valdesi (AVV) Trail Stage 1: Torre Pellice Town Hall - Alpe Vandalino

Galleria foto
Activity type
12.20 km
4 hours 30 minutes
Quota massima
1778 m
Dislivello salita
1430 m
Dislivello discesa
160 m
Indice itinerario

    Punto di partenza


    Municipio di Torre Pellice
    Via Repubblica, 1
    10066 Torre Pellice TO

    545 m

    Punto di arrivo

    Indirizzo di arrivo

    Alpe Vandalino
    10066 Torre Pellice TO

    Quota di arrivo
    1778 m

    Come arrivare


    Accesso in auto al punto di partenza: da Torino raggiungere Pinerolo e proseguire per Torre Pellice, una volta arrivati proseguire seguendo le indicazioni per il municipio del paese.
    E' possibile inoltre giungere fino alla loc. Coppieri dove lasciare l'automobile e proseguire lungo l'itinerario, oppure arrivare fino alla Loc. Sea di Torre Pellice.

    Accesso con mezzi pubblici

    Per arrivare al punto di partenza, da Torino è possibile prendere il pullman dalla stazione di Porta Nuova per Pinerolo ( e successivamente cambiare per Torre Pellice, oppure prendere il treno dalla stazione di Porta Susa ( e prendere il pullman dalla stazione di Pinerolo. Arrivati alla stazione di Torre Pellice proseguire seguendo le indicazioni per il municipio.


    From the Town Hall of Torre Pellice (Tourist Office) head west through the pedestrian area passing through the Waldensian quarter of the town to reach the hamlet of S. Margherita. Pass through the centre and shortly after you reach Coppieri. From the Tempio dei Coppieri, take the asphalt road that heads up to the village of Servera (715m) to reach the bridge that crosses the Biglione stream. Without crossing it, continue along trail 132, along the road that leads to some small villas to enter mule track that goes up through the chestnut trees. Leave the mule track before the bridge along a path on the left and go up through coppiced woodland to reach the locality of Ciampas (1012m). Follow the wall that runs around the houses to the edge of a grassy area and reach the dirt road that leads to the hamlet of Ruà. The trail meets the junction with path 133B that comes from the hamlet of Bonnet. Follow trail 132 for Bars and Castellus passing through a wood full of birch trees. Pass by, and a little lower than, the Boularà alpine cabins (which can be reached with a short detour along an obvious trail), finally reaching a last stretch that emerges from the wood to reach Giabaudin (m1170). From there, you can enjoy the splendid views of the central and lower stretches of the Pellice River. Nearby, in 10 minutes’ walk, a signpost marks the way to a fountain, the entrance to an old mine and the "Pietra del Diau". At this point, follow the path that soon descends steeply into a dense wood hazel trees and leads to a fork. Leave the path that enters the spruce forest and turn left (signposted 132 Bars). After a few hundred metres, you reach the top of the rock wall named Bars d'la Tajola (1139 m). Among the rocks, a narrow hole leads to a short ledge followed by a natural chimney that descends to a small clearing. Legend has it that this place served as a refuge used by the Waldensians to escape the frequent persecutions during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The site is an open grassy space (called Bars or Barsaglias in local dialect) opening on a rocky wall that, apparently, was climbed by the fugitives with the help of a Tajola (pulley): hence, the local name Bars d'la Tajola. Returning to the path, continue uphill through a thick forest of Scots pine and spruce trees until you reach a plateau called Chiot d'Castluss (1385m) from where a 10-minute climb leads to the characteristic rocky outcrop visible from the whole valley and called Il Castelluzzo (1410 m). From this vantage point the views are immense, with a particularly interesting opportunity to take in the middle valley and the small basin of Rio Carofrate. The summit of this mountain consists of a large grassy area, surrounded by trees, below which there are rocky balconies, small tunnels and corridors excavated in the wall. From the summit of Castellus at dawn at Easter 1655, a large bonfire was used to mark the start of the shameful massacres known as the Piedmontese Easter. Moving towards the North East, you reach the locality of Bo del Tourn (1400 m) where the so-called protohistoric altar of Castelluzzo is found. Follow trail 132 as it descends and ascends some lateral undulations caused by a number of small streams. Eventually you reach a junction with a path on the right. Take this and descend to Rua’ Sup., and reach the locality of Colle della Sea di Torre (1300 m). From the hill, a stony road heads west, touching Fontana di Pra Ciabert (1330m) and continues towards the farmhouses of Serre Lalie (1442m) and at the last hut on the right take the path that leads through alder bushes to Alpe Vandalino (1178 m). Alternatively, follow the dirt road that with some hairpin bends reaches the large building on the alpine pasture, which is open during the summer, and which also houses the alpine shelter. Two beautiful fountains are situated in the square in front. Passing behind the houses and ascending some grassy pastures, you come to a path on the left numbered 130, which leads to Alpe Gard. Continuing straight, it is possible to ascend the twin summits of the nearby Mount Vandalino in about 20 minutes: the eastern summit (2121 m) and the western one (2140 m). On fine days the views are vast, stretching down to the valley and way across to the Monviso group and further still to the plain.

    Si consiglia di percorrere la tappa tra la primavera e l'autunno, in quanto alcuni passaggi possono risultare impegnativi ( es. Bars d’la Tajola) e di evitare i periodi piovosi.

    Accessible to people with disabilities


    Punti di appoggio

    Rifugio Agrituristico Barfè, Bivacco Alpe Vandalino, Hotel Centro.

    Punti di interesse

    Miniera e “Pietra del Dau”, Bars d’la Tajola (1139m), Castelluzzo,fontana di Pra Ciabert (1330m),vetta del monte Vandalino

    Profilo altimetrico

    Dati tecnici

    Copertura cellulare

    La copertura cellulare è abbastanza buona per tutti gli operatori.

    Interesse devozionale
    Interesse storico
    Ultima data di aggiornamento

    Strutture ricettive

    Qualifica struttura
    Casa per Ferie

    Foresteria valdese



    Tappe attività