Superga Vezzolano Crea: Tappa 3 Murisengo - Santuario di Crea

Activity type
20.60 km
5 hours
Quota massima
537 m
Dislivello salita
630 m
Dislivello discesa
871 m
Indice itinerario

    Punto di partenza


    14022 Albugnano AT

    500 m

    Punto di arrivo

    Indirizzo di arrivo

    Piazza della Vittoria, 1
    15020 Murisengo AL

    Quota di arrivo
    270 m

    Come arrivare

    Accesso con mezzi pubblici


    Visited the interesting village of Murisengo, follow the dirt road, near the new sports fields, which leads to Cascina Zucca, and then rejoin the flat road directed to Villadeati (from this point the beautiful view of the village of Murisengo) ; from here the route passes in front of the votive chapel of Sant'Antonio Abate on the ridge; at the fork continue to the left for Villadeati. The route crosses the whole country and reaches the cemetery. After a few hairpin bends there is a fountain on the right, continue on the road and at the next hairpin (Lussello - Zanco sign) go left on downhill asphalt. When you get to the right hand bend, the path continues on the white road that goes up and on the left the road continues on the grassy road, passing behind a farm (panoramic point) to enter the forest downhill. Touched a monumental oak called "the three soldiers" who, at the foot of it, died struck by lightning during the "big maneuvers" of 1911, we arrive at the asphalt road (sign Odalengo Piccolo), we cross it on the left on the ridge just above the typical "TUAIS" restaurant. You reach a hill partly still covered by rare specimens of Scots pine (in local dialect "pessre"); at this point you can see the asphalt road at the bottom, go down and reach it, go left for about 50 meters, then left again in the vineyards to reach the ridge. Meet the sign Odalengo Piccolo - Castello di Pessine: on the left-hand bend leading to the Castle, turn right onto a dirt road; at the next junction turn left. At the point where the path makes a big curve with the right a boundless panorama meets under a beautiful tree, a large headstone on which the CAI of Casale has placed the commemorative plaque of the inauguration of the path Superga - Crea dedicating it to the unforgettable Cesare Triveri. At the next junction the path continues to the left in the plane and reaches a hill. Further along the ruins, continue uphill. At the next junction take the white road to the right that leads into the woods and downhill you get to the provincial road 18. Take a slight uphill right. With light ups and downs, the route arrives on a hill (signboard Azienda Agricola Gigliola), from here it takes the white road on the left with pine and tall deciduous trees, along a building, a farmhouse, and then continues downhill. You arrive in a vineyard, flank it to the left until you reach the forest, you enter and take the road that goes to the right and leads to the asphalted road. Once you reach the asphalt you take a left uphill, you pass a farmhouse, you can already see the church of Ponzano. At the crossroads on the left for Crea, you reach the village, continuing until you reach the Sanctuary.

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