Alta Via Canavesana: Tappa 1 Pont Canavese - Alpe Soglia

Activity type
12.30 km
5 hours 45 minutes
Quota massima
1969 m
Dislivello salita
1514 m
Dislivello discesa
249 m
Indice itinerario

    Punto di partenza


    Pont Canavese
    10085 Pont Canavese TO

    455 m

    Punto di arrivo

    Indirizzo di arrivo

    Alpe Soglia
    10070 Corio TO

    Quota di arrivo
    1720 m

    Come arrivare

    Accesso con mezzi pubblici

    Pont Canavese reachable by bus or FF.SS.


    From Pont Canavese, follow via Roma, Piazza Europa and turn left onto via Orco; continue along to the end, passing under the SP460, turn right and you reach the hydroelectric power station (455 m). Continue along the main wall of the power station, you pass a house and briefly follow a grass-grown mule track that starts to climb. We pass alongside a house in construction before crossing a stone bridge over the River Vernai. After the first of a succession of votive chapels that we will meet along the way, we pass under the aqueduct continuing up along the mule track (take care here as the stones become slippery when wet) that runs through some mixed woodland. At approximately 800m above sea level, we pass the junction that leads to Alpette near the shooting range and continue to Molini (old mill and house with frescoes). Having passed the final chapel, continue along to the end of the pathway leaving Piazza Forno from the Alpette bypass, 1.5 hours from Pont Canavese. Continuing on our itinerary, we pass alongside the Eco-museum of Copper and climb the asphalted road for around 300 m. To the left is a sign for Musrai and the route takes us through meadows and then beech woods. At the crossroads with a dirt track, keep to the left and follow the signs to a small votive chapel (with a breath-taking view over Nero, Mount Calmia and the underlying plain). From here we descend slightly and cross a stream to then climb again to Musrai, a plain with some renovated houses and the characteristic two-floor church. Here we can enjoy a spectacular view (you can also get here by car from Alpette along the road that leads to Trione and Balmassa, Km 2 asphalt, Km 0.400 dirt track). Continue past the small village along the dirt track for around 300 m, then on the right we find a pathway that passes alongside a water intake and climbs through the beech woods to Balmassa 1300 m (follow the white/red signs), asphalted square, 1.15 hours from Alpette. From the square, proceed along the uneven cattle track following the signs and markers to Bassa di Mares, 1490 m, with a lovely view over the plains below. From here a pathway halfway up the hill leads to the plains to the left and after a few rises and descents arrives at the Chapel of San Bernardo di Mares, while to the left the well-trodden track leads to the Rocche of San Martino. The AVC route, that leads to Cima Mares and the Cappella di San Bernardo, starts with a steep climb (marks on a stone) along a route with some difficult but always visible stretches; we zig-zag along until we reach the top and the metallic cross there (there is also a tombstone and a pile made of stone). Despite its modest height (1654 m), there is an exceptional view from the summit, a true panoramic viewpoint over the Canavese plains, the mountains of Valli Orco e Soana and the Serra Morenica (you can see from here Gran Paradiso, Levanne, hills of the Monferrato, Appennino Ligure, Alpi Marittime e Monviso).

    We descend to the Cappella di San Bernardo along a cattle track that leads to the dirt track from Alpe Gai. The white church of San Bernardo di Mares, 1544 m, 45 minutes from Balmassa, is available for over-night stays, key pick-up at the Canischio Town Hall. We continue to climb slightly, passing the church, along the pathway passing Val Gallenca first and then Orco Valley eventually arriving at the Colle della Pessa and following a rather steep climb to the Alpe del Calus 1788 m. Turn right among the huts and continuing along the rocky and grassy slope of the Valle Orco we reach the summit of Mount Soglio 1971 m. An excellent 360° view, with a Statue of the Madonna and Compass Rose. From here we descend slightly and in a few minutes we reach the Refuge Alpe Soglia. 1.5 hours from San Bernardo.

    Giugno - Settembre

    Accessible to people with disabilities


    Profilo altimetrico

    Dati tecnici

    ATL di riferimento
    ATL di Torino
    Copertura cellulare


    Interesse devozionale
    Interesse storico
    Ultima data di aggiornamento

    Strutture ricettive

    Qualifica struttura
    Rifugio non gestito

    Rifugio san bernardo di mares



    Tappe attività