Camminate reali 2024

Galleria foto

    Sedi varie
    sedi varie, 10100
    10100 Torino TO


    From Turin and its surroundings, to Canavese, to the Cuneo valleys: 4 evocative walking routes along the Via dei Re (Kings' Route) between Nature and History, to discover the territory and its Savoy Residences, a World Heritage Site. Itinerary 1: Palazzo Reale and Madama in Turin - Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi - Sunday 10/3/2024 (in case of bad weather: Sunday 17/03). Itinerary 2: Agliè Castle - Sunday 19/05/2024 (in case of bad weather: Sunday 26/05). Itinerary 3: Valcasotto Castle (Garessio, CN) - Sunday 30/06/2024 (in case of bad weather: Sunday 07/07). Itinerary 4: Mandrialooonga: Reggia di Venaria (circular route) - Sunday 20/10/2024 (in case of bad weather: 27/10) Non-competitive recreational-motor events at a free pace, open to all while places last. The fee does not include admission to the Residences. Registration closes at 12 noon on the Thursday prior to the date of the walk.


    € 25,00 Intero € 20,00 Ridotto minore 18 anni; possessori di Abbonamento Musei; Possessori Royal Pass € 10,00 Ridotto minore 12 anni € 0,00 Gratuito minore 6 anni
